EEA recognises and embraces the benefits and opportunities that social media can bring for the benefit of the charity. However, there is an inherent risk involved in using social media, in that, it is an instantaneous and far reaching form of communication and inappropriate use can impact the reputation of the Charity.
This policy is intended to minimise the risks of social media. It should be applied to all use and all forms of social media, where there is potential impact on the Charity, whether for charity related or personal use.
Social Media should never be used in a way that breaches any of the charity policies. For example confidentiality, data protection, bullying and harassment.
Trustees must ensure in their personal use of social media that they do not conduct themselves in a way that is detrimental to the charity or their position as a Trustee.
Trustees may be requested to remove internet postings that a majority of Trustees deem as a breach of this policy.