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Please select your area from the lists below to find out more details of local support and organisations near you.

Cheshire West and East

The Hospice of the Good Shepherd

Chester based- Child Service –‘Reflect’

Who – Any child who is bereaved and lives in Western Cheshire.
Where –
At the hospice in Backford or in schools
What –
They will see any bereaved child across West Cheshire. They provide information, support and one to one counselling and are happy to work with parents and children together. They have also, when and where required, offered group work. They will work with clients usually offering 8 sessions which is reviewed and can be extended with consultation. Their philosophy is that each client is unique, as are their needs, so flexibility is always needed.
Reflect Child Bereavement   Tel: 01244 851104


The Hospice of the Good Shepherd

Chester based – Adult Service

Who – They offer counselling and support to patients and families known to the hospice or to any of the specialist palliative care teams in West Cheshire who are struggling with the challenges of a life-limiting illness. They also offer bereavement support to their families and those close to them.
Where –
counselling predominantly takes place at the Hospice or can be offered via on-line or on telephone.
What – They have a team of counsellors who provide counselling on a one to one basis, this service can also provide pre-bereavement counselling to help people come to terms with life limiting illness etc. They also have a team of hospice support volunteers who visit the bereaved in their own home to provide a more informal listening support. These hospice support volunteers also facilitate a bereavement drop in for the bereaved at the Storyhouse, Ellesmere Port Library and the Hospice of the Good Shepherd. Details are on their website.

Adult Bereavement Tel: 01244 853193    



NHS Talking Therapies Service

Who – West and Central Cheshire Talking Therapies (formerly Improving Access to Psychological Therapies – IAPT) offers a range of talking therapies, advice and information for people aged 16 and over, who have mild to moderate symptoms of anxiety and depression.

What – The service will guide you through addressing challenges, overcoming problems, and working towards the goals you set using a range of psychological interventions which follow guidance from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

Where – 1829 building COCH


Talking Therapies – Cheshire West :: Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (

St Luke’s Hospice

Winsford based

Who – Adults and children who are bereaved following a physical illness of an adult. The area they cover includes Cheshire West and Chester and Cheshire East: Crewe, Nantwich, Sandbach, Alsager and Northwich.
Where – At the hospice in Winsford (home visits and support in schools can be arranged in special circumstances)
– They offer 1 to 1 support for adults and children, monthly adult bereavement groups and a monthly children’s bereavement group for 6 -17 yr olds (Phoenix group). St. Luke’s Hospice Counselling service also supports patients and families while they are coping with life-threatening or life limiting illness. They accept both self-referrals and referrals by professionals within and outside the Hospice.
Contact:  email: Tel: 01606 551246 Web: 


East Cheshire Hospice

Macclesfield based

Who – Families of hospice patients.
 – At the hospice in Macclesfield
What – East Cheshire Hospice is there for patients and their families, pre- and post-bereavement. As well as bereavement counselling, their wider Family Support team offers spiritual support, social support, complementary therapies, art psychotherapy and children’s therapies. They do counselling for children and therapies for children who can’t verbalise feelings. They have a children’s group who meets once a month called Echoes.
 01625610364 Email: Web:

The Cheshire East Council also have a webpage with some links to support : 


Nantwich Elim Church

Open Space, living with loss

Who – people living with loss
– Nantwich
What – They offer 2 support groups. 1) A discussion and prayer group: A relaxed and informal group, aiming to provide space for those living with loss to share their experiences. Each session will include time for informal discussion and refreshments, sharing experiences as far as each individual feels comfortable, followed by a short reflection and discussion relevant to those experiencing or facing loss. There will also be an opportunity to request or receive Christian prayer. The group is led by Pastor Michelle Nunn, Senior Pastor of Nantwich Elim Church and Free Church Chaplain at Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. If you are interested in attending please telephone Pastor Michelle on 07738179835 to discuss whether the group will be of help to you at this time. There is no charge made to those attending this group, however, participants may choose to make a donation to help support this ministry. 2) Dance Therapy Group. Dance Therapy, or Dance Movement Psychotherapy (DMP) is a creative arts therapy focussing on the body as the means of non verbal self expression. Anyone can access DMP, dance skills are not necessary—the focus is on the creative process. In group therapy, participants explore their inner world and find expression through movement and dance. Over time, movement is explored as a way of linking body awareness with emotional awareness. In a safe, therapeutic environment, participants are supported in creatively identifying ways of adapting and living in the world. The group is facilitated by Shirley Brocklehurst, a Registered Dance Movement Psychotherapist whose practice combines the art form of dance and movement with a person-centred psychotherapeutic model. Shirley specialises in Mental Health and has worked with Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust and Mersey Care NHS Trust as well as the Centre for Psychiatry, Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine at Queen Mary University, London. To find out more about DMP, please visit Shirley’s website Wellkin. If you are interested in attending, please call Shirley on 07760428554. Participants are asked to make a small contribution towards the costs of this group; between £3.00 and £10.00 based on what they feel they can afford.



Chester and Cheshire East branches

Who – Sands supports anyone who has been affected by the death of a baby before, during or shortly after birth. 
 – Chester and Cheshire East areas
 – They provide support through meetings and online support groups for parents who have lost a child before the age of 4 weeks old. Chester Sands also run a monthly playgroup for anyone affected by the death of a baby and their children, born before or after loss. The group meets on the third Friday of the month 9.30-11.30 at Elton Children’s Centre. 
Chester – Phone: 07570 054154 

Email: Website:
Cheshire East – Phone: 07546 044676 / 07534 183867 Email: 


The Joshua Tree – Northwich

Who –families who have lost a child or young person (0-25) to cancer or leukaemia.
Where – Their centre in Northwich, or at school if appropriate.
What – They offer bereavement support and counselling to families who have lost a child or young person (0-25) to cancer or leukaemia. They offer one-to-one counselling sessions to any member of the family (including grandparents, parents, siblings) who need their support – this could be at the centre in Northwich or in school if appropriate. For children, they work using play and creative media – whatever works best for each child to help them access and express their feelings. There is no set limit to the number of sessions a person can receive, they work flexibly with individual needs as long as resources permit. They also offer group sessions as the need arises – family groups or sibling groups, and will work with each family to identify the most appropriate support for them.
Contact: – Tel: 
01606 331858 Email:  Web:


Child Bereavement UK – Offices in Widnes

Who – The charity offers free support and information to any bereaved children, young people up to age 25, and their families. They also provide support for bereaved parents – this includes the death of children of any age, miscarriages and stillbirths. They have no restriction on location of clients, but sessions do take place at their offices in Widnes, so clients would need to get there, either during school hours or after school between 4 and 6pm. They have extended services to include: Family support sessions, group sessions for children, group sessions for young people and support for parents bereaved of a baby or child.
Where – Widnes
What –Child Bereavement UK supports families and educates professionals when a baby or child dies or is dying, or when a child is facing bereavement.Contact: 
0800 02 888 40 Web: Tel: 01928 577164 Widnes office 



Compassionate Friends –Nationally

Who – Support bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents who have suffered the death of a child of any age, from any cause.
Where –Local one to one and group support can be accessed via the National Helpline
 0845 123 2304. (There is a branch based in Warrington)
What – They have a helpline, online forum, leaflets, retreats, publications, sibling support, and peer support. Contact: Web: Helpline: 
0845 123 2304 email


Winston’s Wish – Nationally

Who – Families of a bereaved parent or sibling through murder, suicide, manslaughter and military deaths.
Where – Anywhere in UK
What – Face to face work can be offered to all children and families bereaved of a parent, primary care-giver or sibling through suicide, murder and manslaughter and military deaths, living anywhere in the UK.
Contact: Web: Email: Tel: +44 (0) 1242 515157 Helpline – 08452 03 04 05


Visyon – Congleton

Who – Children can be referred for any reason, including bereavement.  The service is free and in theory is open to anyone in Cheshire, but support is delivered in Congleton.  Parents can refer a child for play therapy over the phone.
Where – Congleton
What – Visyon is a charity committed to improving young people’s emotional well-being to enable them to live happier, more fulfilling lives, to build stronger relationships and to be able to cope with life’s stresses. It provides high quality, professional services in a way that suits the young people themselves. Play therapy is an effective way of allowing children to express and resolve feelings through the use of play. They use art, sand, music, crafts, puppets and imaginative play, sessions are 1:1 and they usually contract for a minimum of 10 sessions.
Contact: Web: Tel: 
0800 652 6293

St Michael’s Church – Middlewich

Who – Anyone is welcome
Where – Number 28 – St Michael’s Church Hall, Middlewich
What – A meeting for bereaved people. It takes the form of afternoon tea and is open to everyone. People who have had a funeral service at St Michael’s are informed of this group and are invited to regular bereavement services at church.
Contact: Pastoral worker bereavement team-Elaine Reynolds Tel: 
01606832596  email



Who – Anyone bereaved due to cancer
Where – Chester and Ellesmere Port based
What – bereavement support, and home visiting
Contact: Email: Tel: 07874243793 between 9 am  – 7.30pm.


Mother well

Who – All mothers for any circumstances they may  be facing at any time in their lives.
Where – Anyone based in Winsford and Crewe.
What – They look after the well being of mothers and offer a range of services such as counselling and holistic therapies.
Contact: Email:



Who – Halton residents aged 17 and over

Where – Halton and Runcorn

What – 1 to 1 counselling and support group

Contact – 01928 563 612 Email: 



Who – ‘One for Sorrow’ aims to provide wrap-around bereavement support based in local community hubs to anyone aged 17+ living in Northwich, Winsford or Middlewich

Where – Northwich, Middlewich or Winsford

What – Bereavement counselling – * free, however donations are welcome, Peer support groups, Volunteering opportunities, Opportunities to take part in community-based activities

Contact – One for Sorrow – Mid Cheshire Mind Telephone: 01606 863305 or  



Halton Women’s Centre

Who – Halton residents – women

Where – Castlefields, Runcorn

What – 1 to 1 counselling – £5 a session

Contact – 01928 566 073


Halton Haven Hospice

Who – Halton residents affected by cancer and life limiting illness (plus 10% other bereavement)

Where – Runcorn

What – 1 to 1 counselling for pre and post bereavement

Contact – 01928 712 728


Nightstop Communities North West

Who – People in Halton and surrounding area

Where – Widnes

What- 1 to 1 counselling or family therapy

Contact – 07786208050 . email –


The Centre – Widnes and Runcorn Cancer Support Group

Who – Halton and surrounding area residents affected by cancer

Where – Widnes centre and Runcorn

What – 1 to 1 counselling, peer support groups

Contact – 0151 423


Bereavement Help Point

Who – open to anyone

Where – Story house Chester, Ellesmere Port Library, Hospice of the Good Shepherd

What – The Bereavement Help Points is a volunteer–led, peer support drop-in session, open to anyone who is bereaved.  It is a safe welcoming space where bereaved people can meet to support each other as well as obtain information on bereavement and support.

When – Hospice – every 3rd Monday 6pm – 7.30pm. Ellesmere Port Library – every 2nd and 4th Thursday 2pm – 3.30pm. Storyhouse, Chester – every 2nd and 4th Wednesday 2pm – 3.30pm


Daisy’s Dream – Cheshire East

Who – families of children who have experienced the death of someone close to them

Where – Cheshire East

What – After an initial conversation with their Therapeutic Practitioner, the support they provide could include: Telephone support and advice for parents or carers. Home and / or school 1:1 visits for the child or young person. Support and training for professionals working with bereaved children. Access to online support resource.

Contact:  Web Telephone – 07535 712 255.

North Wales - Wrexham area

Chrysalis Trust

Hope House Hospice and Ty Gobaith

Who – Families whose child has been diagnosed with a life limiting or life threatening condition; Families with a baby on the Special Care Baby Unit; Families following the death of a child in any circumstances. Children whose parents suffer sudden death, or a sibling who dies in any circumstances.
Where – Conwy and Oswestry. Hospital based (Glan Clwyd) , At the Ty Gobaith counselling suite. Or in the family home.
What – The North Wales Chrysalis Service has been providing invaluable support and counselling services to families in North Wales for many years.
Contact: Referrals to the Chrysalis Service can be made by contacting Ty Gobaith on 01492 651 900 or the Hope House Sunstone Centre on 01691 672 618 Web:

Nightingale House – Wrexham

Who – Any bereaved child under 19 years old. Adults where the child or significant other has a terminal illness – usually families of patients from the hospice.
Where – Mid and N Wales, N Shropshire.
What – The hospice social work team helps people through disressing periods in life. They provide emotional and practical support to everyone who has been referred to the hospice.
Contact –  01978 316800. Email:

Wales Counselling

Who – Anyone in North Wales and Chester
Where – based in Rhyl
What – Relationship, psychotherapy and family counselling for a fee – private practice.

Contact – 07551529386


St Kentigern Hospice

Who – Relatives of patients. Referrals are taken from: The Conwy and Denbighshire Children’s Bereavement Service. The North Wales Cancer Centre. Macmillan nurses, community paediatricians, education and parents / carers.
Where –   The work is usually done in school or at the hospice.
What – Telephone support is available, also email, one to one or groups, specialist help for children
Contact – St Kentigern Hospice 01745 585 221.

Greater Manchester areas

Bluebell foundation – Cumbria

Who – those bereaved by death of a baby, infant or child.
Where – South Cumbria and Millom
What – Provides support and information to individuals and families in South Cumbria and Millom who are suffering the emotional distress arising from infertility, the illness of a child, the anticipation of death of an unborn child, bereavement by death of a baby, infant or child.
Contact: Web:  Tel: 07516556081 / 07849400315

Rainbow Trust –Cumbria and Manchester

Who – those affected by the death of a child due to terminal illness
Where – Nationally.
What – flexible support to meet individual needs. Visits to family home, support for siblings, support for grandparents, 24 hour telephone line.
Contact: Tel: 01539 739077 Cumbria, 01616282194 Oldham.

St Anne’s Hospice – Cheadle

Who –  anyone who is connected to patients of their hospice
Where – Cheadle
What – Provide support to anyone who is connected to patients of their hospice whether that is a friend, family member, carer or partner. They usually send a letter to the main carer or relatives within six weeks of the bereavement to offer bereavement support. But anyone who was close to someone who died in receipt of a service from the hospice – either in-patient, day therapy or community services – can refer themselves by contacting the hospice direct.Contact:  0161 498 3689. For general enquiries Tel: 0161 437 8136. Fax: 0161 498 3671


Beacon Counselling – Stockport

Who – people in the Stockport area.
Where – Stockport
What – Beacon provides counselling to adults and young people, with services for adults from 4 venues in Stockport and through service to young people from 10 schools in the area, through Beacon 2 their service for young people outside of the school system. No charge for counselling sessions although a donation is requested.
Contact: to make appointments – Tel: 0161 440 0055 Web:


Reuben’s Retreat – Ashton Under Lyne

Who – Parents and siblings who have lost children.
Where – Their doors will be open to those who find themselves in this sad situation across the United Kingdom and, if they believe it is beneficial, to families across the globe.
What – Their primary goal is to open a retreat in the North West of England where families who have children with life-limiting or life-threatening illnesses can take respite breaks and time to relax, recharge, remember and rebuild. Reuben’s Retreat will provide support and bereavement counselling for Mummies, Daddies and siblings who have lost their precious children.Contact: Web: Email:


Once Upon A Smile – Manchester

Who – If you are a parent that has lost a child or a partner (and have children) or a child that has lost a parent or sibling
Where – Manchester based
What – They provide support by way of; Financial Support, Respite Breaks and Children’s Bereavement Support Groups. They accept online referrals from schools, hospitals, hospices and other charities, as well as self-referrals
Contact: 0161 711 0339 email:  Info@Onceuponasmile.Org.Uk 


Sure Start Counselling

Manchester, Halifax, Burnley

Contact: Tel: 01942 828746 Manchester,  01422 250081 Halifax, 01282 832249 Burnley.


St Rocco’s Hospice – Warrington

Who – Families of patients
Where – At the hospice
What – bereavement counselling
Contact:   01925 575780


Warrington Bereavement Support

Who: The service was primarily set up to support and counsel people who live in the Warrington area who are having difficulties with the natural grieving process.
Where: In the client’s own home
What: They are able to offer support sessions, each lasting about one hour, approximately weekly. These usually continue to a maximum of 10 sessions.
Contact: Telephone: 01925 631516


Compassionate Friends

Who – Warrington residents

Where – at home or at home of Coordinator in Warrington

What – 1 to 1 bereavement support, monthly group for parents of a bereaved child

Contact – 0345 123 2304


St Joseph’s Family Centre

Who – Warrington residents

Where – Warrington

What – 1 to 1 counselling

Contact – 01925 635 448,

Stafford area

A child of mine – based in Stafford

Who – Bereaved parents
Where – Stafford and surrounding areas
What – A Child Of Mine is here to help and support anyone affected by the death of a child, in as many ways as they possibly can. Their website will always continue to be a main focus as a valuable resource for families after a child’s death, but as time has moved on A Child Of Mine has grown too, and they now do much more work behind the scenes to improve bereavement care for parents and families who have lost a child.
Contact: Web: Email: Tel: 07803 751229


Dove service – Stoke on Trent

Who –offers counselling and support to those struggling with the impact of bereavement, significant loss or life changing illness.
Where –Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, North Staffordshire and Moorlands.
What –The Dove Service offers counselling and support to all those affected by bereavement, life changing illness and significant loss
Contact: Web: Tel:  01782 683155 Email:

Merseyside areas

The Butterflies project

Who – for children and young people experiencing a range of issues associated with bereavement, loss, divorce, separation, murder, manslaughter and suicide.
Where – Knowsley and Merseyside.
What – The Butterflies service supports 6 to 17 year olds presenting with bereavement, loss and separation through activity-based one-to-one support for clients. The service consists of (on average) eight one-to-one hourly therapeutic sessions as well as a one hour assessment. Butterflies service also supports 18 to 25 year olds through the provision of professional counselling services.  This consists of up to 14 counselling sessions in a range of therapies (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Person Centred, Psycho-dynamics, EMDR), and one assessment. The remit of work with this age-group can be broader than the presenting issues with six to seventeen year olds.  For example single trauma, depression, anxiety, phobia, relationship-breakdown, rape and abuse.
Contact: Web: Tel: 0151 488 6648


Claire House Children’s Hospice – Wirral

Who – Families of hospice patients
Where – At the hospice in Wirral
What – Claire House offers a tailored counselling service to suit the individual’s needs and they provide counselling for parents and extended family through to carers and siblings.
Contact: Web: Tel: 0151 334 4626 Email:


Liverpool Bereavement Service

Who – Bereaved people of Liverpool – Adults of all ages and children from 4-18
Where – Liverpool area
What – Bereavement support for adults and children. They seek donations from their clients on an ability to pay basis. No one will be denied their support due to an inability to donate. ‘Oakleaf’ provides support and counselling for children aged 4 to 18 on a one to one basis away from home or in the school environment. Can also provide training to professionals.
Contact – web: Phone : 0151 236 3932 Email:

Listening Ear

Who – children and young people aged 4 to 19 years experiencing bereavement or loss who live in, or attend school in, the Borough of Knowsley. Listening Ear also provides a BACP Accredited Counselling service for adults living in Knowsley, or for those registered with a Knowsley GP who are experiencing: bereavement, loss, anxiety, depression, isolation, or other mild to moderate mental health issues.
Where -Knowsley
What – Age-appropriate therapy for children and young people aged 4 to 19 years experiencing bereavement or loss. Support for children and young people aged 4 to 25 whose parent has been diagnosed with a life-limiting illness, available across Merseyside to private clients at a rate of £50 per session. FAB (Friendship After Bereavement) offers support after your one-to-one counselling has finished or after attending a 6 week  bereavement group. The bereavement group offers psycho-education about the universal experience of bereavement. Led by an experienced group facilitator, attendees explore issues such as the physical and emotional effects on a loved one, the impact on wider family systems and the impact on your identity, particularly for carers. AMPARO can support anyone affected by a suspected or actual suicide. This can be family members, friends or colleagues.
Contact – Web: Tel: 0151 488 6648 Email:


Willowbrook Hospice

Who – The Hospice can provide support to anyone connected to the patient who has died – whether that is a friend, family member, carer or partner.

Where – Prescot, Merseyside

What- Individual support is offered by our Connections Coordinator and, where appropriate, the Spiritual Care Coordinator. There is also an informal monthly, evening support group  at The Living Well, where a small number of bereaved people share experiences and support each other. 

Contact – Tel: 0151 430 8736. Email –



Who – All bereaved by suicide

Where – St Helens

What – peer group support, national helpline and forum

Contact – 07580 358 312, 0300 111 5065,

Shropshire area

Severn Hospice, Shrewsbury

(Also in Telford and Newtown)

Who – We offer support to anybody who has been affected by the death of a patient.
Where–   Shrewsbury
What –They offer individual support with a member of their bereavement team. They also run group meetings for those who feel sharing their experiences would help. Their ‘Elephants Never Forget’ service helps children and families who have a relative with an incurable illness or who have experienced the death of a relative. Their bereavement support team can also give you practical advice about the arrangements that have to be made following a death. They have a revolving door policy which means that if at any time additional support is needed, no matter how long it has been, they will be there to help.

Contact Telephone: 01743 236 565


Cruse, Shropshire,

Telford and Wrekin

Who – All bereaved people in Shropshire
Where–    The sessions take place in a mutually convenient location or home visits can be arranged on occasion.
What – Shropshire Cruse Services Shropshire Cruse is a branch of the leading UK national charity, supporting all bereaved people living in Shropshire, including young people and children. The services currently offered in Shropshire are free and include: One-to-one bereavement support for adults and young people Pre-bereavement support. Bereavement support groups for adults. Telephone support for adults. Shropshire Cruse is only able to accept self-referrals, as clients need to desire help for themselves.
Contact Email:  shropshiretelford&
Referral Line: 0845 6066 812

To search for registered, qualified counsellors in your area, go to

Please contact us if you do not meet any of the above criteria to access bereavement support, and we will do our best to provide support for you.